My FaMilY

Hello I am coming again. Now I want to tell you about my family. Do you want to know ?

They are ... My grand grand mother, My grand father, My grand mother, My father and My mother. Now I want to start my story.

  • I have one grand-grand mother. Her name is Mrs. Katam. I call her : Buyut. he is eighty nine years old. She lives at Ploso (Jombang) Jawa Timur. She is mother from my grand father, and grand mother from my father.
  • I  have two grand father.1. His name is Akung No.  He is seventy years old. He lives at Madiun Jawa Timur. ( he is father from my father ). 2. His name is Akung Cip. He is seventy years old. He lives at Madiun Jawa Timur. ( he is father from my mother)
  • I have two grand mother. 1. Her name is Ati Nining. She is sixty nine years old. She lives at Madiun Jawa Timur. ( she is mother from my father ). 2. Her name is Ati Nunuk. She is sixty nine years old. She live at Madiun Jawa Timur. ( she is mother from my mother ).
  • I have one father. He  is thirty nine years old. He lives in Madiun Jawa Timur. ( he is the child from my grand father Akung No and my grand mother Ati Nining ).
  • I have one mother. She is thirty eight years old. She lives at Madiun jawa Timur. ( she is the child from my grand father Akung Cip and my grand mother Ati Nunuk).
  • And I am a child from my father and my mother.
Yes....., they are my family. About my uncle, my aunt, and my cousin, I will write in the next story. Bye all.....


  1. Halo Shasa.., enak ya kalau masih punya eyang 'lengkap'. Semoga Shasa tak pernah lupa utk mensyukuri nikmat ini.

  2. Kapan mau nengok Buyut ke Jombang lagi ?
    Ohya... ditunggu lho cerita-2 dari Shasa selanjutnya.

  3. Buyutnya Shasa 89 tahun, masih hidup ya.

  4. Shasa is a child who really intelligent. He mastered the English language very fluently.

  5. saya jadi ikutan belajar bahasa english dari Shasa nih hehehe

  6. lengkap banget nih catatan keluarganya sha..
    Baru tau nama lengkap mamanya.

  7. yaelah...... baru tau deh kalo mamane shasa namanya Anggraeni Nofitasari.

    rumahmu jadi asri sekarang sha..., semangat yaaa

  8. hiihiihi... iya, baru tahu nama lengkapnya mamanya shasa... :-)

  9. Shasa hafal banget ya..silsilah keluarganya...di buatkan kayak struktur organisasi itu aja sha...he..he..he...


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